

专注于分析, 资料解释, 犯罪分析, 我们的 刑事司法理学硕士 degree will get y我们的 career going in the right direction.

Careers with this degree include crime analyst, 刑事司法情报官员, 数据诊断, 以及刑事司法领域的其他人.


  • 小班授课
  • Conduct Relevant Research Alongside Professors
  • 教授一对一的关注




作为一名圣. Ambrose, you will learn from experienced instructors who have worked in the criminal justice field. Their on-the-job insights help add context to a curriculum that has today's criminal justice careers in mind.


More 信息rmation about the MS in 刑事司法


C我们的ses for this degree center on decision-making, 分析技术, 以及数据编程语言. These are intended to strengthen y我们的 analytic and writing capabilities which are important for careers in 数据诊断, 犯罪分析, 刑事司法情报.

As is customary in the criminal justice department at St. Ambrose, you will conduct research on a regular basis with SAU faculty. Our students have co-authored manuscripts with faculty and presented papers at national academic conferences and j我们的nals. 

Once you've completed the required c我们的sework, you will complete a thesis or internship. Y我们的 thesis will be a research project that involves data collection and analysis, followed by a defense to y我们的 thesis committee. An internship will occur during y我们的 final two semesters of c我们的sework and includes 240 h我们的s of on-site work plus a comprehensive exam.

If y我们的 goal is an upper-level career in law enforcement, 安全, 修正, 或者人类服务, 我们的 刑事司法硕士 程序 can prepare you to be a skilled, effective, and ethical leader.

If you are an undergraduate considering a career in criminal justice, 了解更多关于你的第一步和我们的 刑事司法 程序. 


A limited number of graduate assistantships and fellowships are available. Check with the 程序 director for details.

此外, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app财政援助办公室 provides information on loans for graduate studies.

2022 - 23学费

  • $1,080/credit h我们的 seated and online (some discounts may apply)

Refund Schedule: Students are obligated for the full amount of tuition for c我们的ses for which they are registered, 以退款时间表为准. Exact refund dates for each term are located in the campus Academic Calendar.

  • You have 10 days to make changes to y我们的 enrollment without penalty.
  • You will be charged 50% of tuition through the 20th day if you drop below 9 credit h我们的s (full-time); or, if you are already a part-time student and you drop below y我们的 original enrolled credits. 是否接受过任何形式的经济资助, y我们的 package will be re-evaluated and possibly adjusted to reflect y我们的 new enrollment status.
  • Any changes made after the 20th day will result in a full charge of tuition.

This rule does not apply if you fully withdraw from the university. In that case, y我们的 tuition will be prorated based on the number of days attended.


2023 - 24的费用

研究生 level students taking 9 or more credit h我们的s $280/yr. (140美元/学期)
研究生 level students taking 8 or less credit h我们的s $140/yr. (70美元/学期)


Regina Matheson,博士,教授


刑事司法理学硕士 (33 credits)

View 刑事司法理学硕士 c我们的ses and descriptions in the online c我们的se catalog

高级犯罪学理论, 3 credits
mscj530研究设计与方法, 3 credits
高级数据分析 and 数据驱动决策, 3 credits
MSCJ 670 Contemporary Issues in Law and Juvenile Justice, 3 credits
MSCJ 671 Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement, 3 credits
当代惩戒问题[j], 3 credits
MSCJ 675 Ethical and Social Responsibility in 刑事司法, 3 credits
MSCJ 680 Thinking Critically About 刑事司法, 3 credits
mscj685研究I, 3学分
MSCJ 700/690 (2 semesters) Internship/Thesis option 秋天/春天 MSCJ 690, 6 credits
Internship option 秋天/春天 MSCJ 700, 6 credits
春天 MSCJ 701 Comprehensive Exam, 0 credits


This is the suggested c我们的se sequence to earn y我们的 MSCJ degree.

Year One

MSCJ 680 Critically Thinking About 刑事司法 3 mscj685研究1 3
高级犯罪学理论 3 当代惩戒问题[j] 3
MSCJ 670 Contemporary Issues in Law and Juvenile Justice 3 mscj530研究设计 & 方法 3
总学分 9 总学分 9

Year Two

高级数据分析 & 数据驱动决策 3 mscj700 /690实习或论文 3
MSCJ 671 Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement 3 MSCJ 675 Ethical and Social Responsibility in 刑事司法 3
mscj700 /690实习或论文 3 mscj701系统或防御 0
总学分 9 总学分 6

To gain admission to the MSCJ as an undergraduate – with the aim of completing a bachelor's and master's degree within five years – students must submit a University application for admission, 一封推荐信, 然后去见项目主管.


This is the suggested c我们的se sequence to begin graduate studies during the junior year at SAU.

秋季- mscj680
弹簧- mscj530

弹簧- mscj685

秋天 - MSCJ 671, MSCJ 670 and MSCJ 700/690 (Internship/Thesis - you will choose one. The internship option includes the comprehensive exam MSCJ 701 - 0 credit).
春天 - MSCJ 675, MSCJ 672, and MSCJ 700/690

Year One

刑事司法入门 3 CRJU 231当代修正* 3
engl101英语写作 3 司法问题选修* 3
哲学和神学 1 Oral Communication (COMM 129, 132, 228, 230 or 329) 3
外语101 3 外语102 3
nss101新生研讨会 1 数学131或171 3
IL 101信息素养 1 KIM 149健康概念 1
总学分 15 总学分 16

Year Two

CRJU 102执法概论 3 CRJU 200社会学研究方法 & CJ* 3
刑法与诉讼法* 3-4 CRJU 316少年司法* 3
选修/ 2nd 主要/次要课程 3 选修/ 2nd 主要/次要课程 3
人文# 3 创造性的艺术 3
自然科学 3 哲学和神学 3
的活动 1-2
总学分 16-17 总学分 15


CRJU 430社会研究中的数据分析** 4 CRJU 303警察,问题与实践* 3
WI-CRJU 400犯罪学理论* 3 CRJU 314 Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections* 3
选修/ 2nd 主要/次要课程 6 选修/ 2nd 主要/次要课程 9
哲学和神学# 3 mscj530研究设计与方法 3
MSCJ 680 Thinking Critically About 刑事司法 3
总学分 16 总学分 15


WI-CRJU 407刑事司法研讨会** 3 CRJU只发布选修课* 3
宪法与刑事司法* 3 选修第二主修/副修课程* 12
选修/ 2nd 主要/次要课程* 6 mscj685研究1 3
300级哲学/神学 3
mscj500 Adv. 犯罪学的理论 3    
mscj531广告. 数据分析 & 数据驱动决策 3
总学分 15 总学分 15

Graduate Year

mscj700 /690实习或论文 3 mscj700 /690实习或论文 3
MSCJ 671 Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement 3 MSCJ 675 Ethical and Social Responsibility in CJ 3
MSCJ 670 Contemporary Issues in Law and Juvenile Justice 3 当代惩戒问题[j] 3
演示或比较 0
总学分 9 总学分 9

应用 访问 信息


Tony Ketelaar, Director of 研究生 Admissions

518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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